One main good thing about today, is that I was extremely productive, which helped iwth some of the stress I was having due to my college courses. After classes, I studied for two exams, wrote an essay, started an outline of another, and updated my blog. Along with making some phone calls. Usually I’m a procrastinator but it was nice going to bed and not having to worry about what I needed to do before class the next day. I need to understand that if I continue to do that, and not be a procrastinator that it would eliminate a lot of my stress with working and going to college.
Another excellent part of my day was having a long talk with my mother. She’s one of the strongest women I know, and just having her in my life is something that is both an inspiration and a blessing.
Like I’ve mentioned before, I have been dealing with some personal and emotional issues, but today I realized that I might be moving forward from this situation because I cannot control it anymore, I truly believe that since the talk with my family and aunt, that I am now experiencing more positive and hopeful thoughts that have been helping me with dealing with this stuff. Like we discuss in class, positive thoughts can really go a long way. I’m so glad that today for the first time in a while, I felt like I was walking in the right direction, which is forward.